On September 28, 2024, Governor Newsom vetoed Assembly Bill No. 3129 (AB 3129), which would have required private equity groups and hedge funds to obtain the Attorney General’s written consent at least 90 days prior to acquisitions or changes of control of certain health care facilities, provider groups, and other providers. More information on the background, evolution, and projected impact of AB 3129 is available at our AB 3129 blog series.[1]Continue Reading Update: Governor Newsom Vetoes California’s AB 3129 Targeting Healthcare Private Equity Deals
AB 3129
California’s AB 3129: A New Hurdle for Private Equity Health Care Transactions on the Horizon?
Parties involved in or considering health care transactions in California have been focused on navigating the new rules set by California’s Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA),[1] and newly proposed legislation could present additional challenges in consummating certain health care transactions, particularly those involving private equity. Introduced in February 2024, California’s Assembly Bill 3129 seeks to curb consolidation in the health care industry allegedly driven by private equity firms and hedge funds. As summarized in greater detail below, the bill would require that these parties obtain prior written consent from California’s Attorney General (AG) before an acquisition or change of control of many types of health care businesses and assets.Continue Reading California’s AB 3129: A New Hurdle for Private Equity Health Care Transactions on the Horizon?