GULF STATES REORGANIZATION GROUP, INC. V. NUCOR CORP. (11th Cir. July 15, 2013) No. 11-14983.
In 1999, Gulf States Steel, Inc., a participant in a market described as “black hot rolled coil steel” filed a petition for bankruptcy. When reorganization efforts failed, and it filed a Chapter 7 petition, a group called Gulf States Reorganization Group (“GSRG”) negotiated with the Bankruptcy court to purchase and operate the “black hot rolled coil steel” assets. The Bankruptcy court issued an order requiring the sale of the assets to GSRG, unless another entity made a higher bid. In that eventuality, an auction would be held.Continue Reading Failure to Adequately Allege Lack of Supply Cross-Elasticity Dooms Attempted Monopolization Action to “Quick Look” Dismissal